Labels:bulletin board | person | pinball machine | tie OCR: Calc Lightning Calculators Some people are born with the ability to da amazing feats of mental arithmetic without apparent effort or conscious calculation Such prodigies are called lightning calculators. Vladimir Nabokov the Russian born author of'Lolita' had prodigious calculating gift as child But it disappeared overnight at the age of seven following high fever with delirium One of the most recent lightning calculators Mrs Shakuntala Devi of Indial In 1980 she took 28 seconds to multiply two 13- -digit numbers picked at random by the computer department of Imperial College London Shel icalculated that: 7.686.369 774.870 multiplied Xq F 2,465,099 745 779 equals 18.947 668 177 .995. 426. 462 773 .730 Calcu olita light India departmen calculated equas